Search and filter post from external form

Post Grid allows you to search and filter post by using 3rd party form or external form by GET method, there is a filter hook available you can use form submission data to query post on front-end.


Create a custom form shortcode:

i have created a custom form to display via widget on sidebar


function post_grid_search_form(){

    $keyword = isset($_GET['keyword']) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET['keyword']) : '';
    $year = isset($_GET['year']) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET['year']) : '';
    $color = isset($_GET['color']) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET['color']) : '';


    <form method="get" action="">
            <input name="keyword" type="search" value="<?php echo $keyword; ?>" placeholder="Keyword..">

            <input name="year"  type="text" value="<?php echo $year; ?>" placeholder="2019">

            <input name="color" type="text" value="<?php echo $color; ?>" placeholder="Red">

            <input type="submit" value="Submit">


    return ob_get_clean();


Here is screenshot how its look like

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Use form-data:

You can get form submission data via filter hook to query post via post grid, here is the code

function post_grid_filter_query_args_extra($query_args){

    $keyword = isset($_GET['keyword']) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET['keyword']) : '';
    //$year = isset($_GET['year']) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET['year']) : '';
    //$color = isset($_GET['color']) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET['color']) : '';

    $query_args['s'] = $keyword;

    return $query_args;


Here is the screenshot of search result after submit form

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The same way you can use form data for meta field queries or taxonomies or terms query and etc.