How to create accordion?

This article is about to create an accordion using the Accordion plugin.

How to create a new accordion?

After installing the Accordions plugin, you will see the menu Accordions.

To create a new Accordion, go to the Accordions menu. Now click on the  Add New button.

How to create accordion? 1

Now you will find the Accordion option. Here, enter the name of the Accordion.

How to create accordion? 2

Now customize the Accordion, then click on the Publish button.

How to create accordion? 3

To display this Accordion, copy the Shortcode from Shortcode tab and paste it into the post content area.

How to create accordion? 4
How to create accordion? 5

Short-code inside content

[accordions id="1234"]

Short-code for themes PHP files

<?php echo do_shortcode("[accordions id='1234' ]"); ?>