If you see accordions are not working or just loaded on opening all the sections/accordions, this is probably a JS error on your page; please check the browser console area to see the JS errors, right-click on your page and click on Inspect menu and check console tab.

You might see the 3rd party JS error or our plugins JS error, or any JS error that may cause this issue,
# 3rd party JS errors
If the JS error comes from the 3rd party plugin, please get in touch with their support or author to fix it. We can’t provide support on this issue. You could deactivate the plugin to get a quick fix.
# Theme JS error
If you see the JS error come from your theme files, please get in touch with your theme author to get a fix; also, we can’t provide support on this issue. You could try using another theme to get a quick fix.
# Core JS error
If you see any JS error from the core WordPress JS file, please try updating or reinstalling WordPress.
# $(…).accordion is not a function
If you see the following error, please ensure you are not using any plugin to load JS files on the footer instead of the header. Accordions need to load the JS file on the header to work correctly.
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).accordion is not a function