Install pro version

How to install pro version?

  • Free version slug is  wishlist
  • Pro version slug  wishlist-pro

How to activate license?

  • After installing the pro version of wishlist, you will see the license on wishlist setting page.
  • Please follow this link to get your license keys
  • Copy your license key and paste on settings input field and then save options.

What will happen when license expired?

  • Plugin will work fine after license expired,
  • You won’t be able to get notification for latest version for automatic update.
  • In this case, you will need to download manually from our website and install latest version to get latest features.
  • Check your orders to get downloadable plugin zip files from this link

How to manually update plugin?

  • Delete/uninstall current version from your website.
  • Your data won’t be lost or deleted from your database by deleting or uninstalling plugin.
  • If you don’t have access to an automatic plugin update for pro version please download from our website by visiting my account section.
  • Download the plugin zip file and install on your site like you did before.
  • You can also upload via FTP to install plugin.