Your plugin has been featured on Google’s search page. Help us to upgrade.

Your plugin has been featured on Google’s search page. Help us to upgrade. 1
mohammad tuhin
Mar 10, 2024 02:29 PM 0 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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Hi there,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Mohammad Tuhin, and I'm thrilled to reach out to you on behalf of WPXPO. We recently published an impressive listing post about "Best WooCommerce Plugins", where we have added your plugin also because it has the potential for this listing. Successfully, it has been ranked on Google.

Now we are planning to upgrade this listing as it is pretty old so we need your help. I can see a lot of visitors are coming to this blog post, and you will get some potential users from this blog post. We believe in supporting and collaborating within the WordPress community.


Please let us know your thoughts.

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