Woocommerce product slider prices

Woocommerce product slider prices 1
Jakob Ingvorsen
Nov 04, 2019 03:42 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Nov 2019
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First of all I'm so happy with the product slider plug in for Woocommerce by pick plug-in!

Though I have one question - my prices are showing differently on mobile devices ... they're showing prices without WAT. I sell to private customers so I prefer prices showing with WAT.

Can anyone help me with fixing it?

Thank you.

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Woocommerce product slider prices 1
Woocommerce product slider prices 3
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Woocommerce product slider prices 4
Nov 05, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

We use the default WooCommerce cart button via shortcode, i just checked your site but can't see the cart button on slider. can you please enable cart button on price, i will check the issue on mobile devices.


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