I’m writing to you today as I am having an issue with your plugin.
After user’s register with my website, including making a payment via stripe, when they go to login in they are presented and error message after they put in their email and password, which states:
ERROR: Error: verify your email first! Resend verification email.
The issue is, the user only receives an email asking for verification after they click the resend verification email link, not when they first sign up.
I would like my website’s users to receive the verification email after they first register, not after inputting their login details and then clicking the link.
Please would you help me in dealing with this issue.
My website is running on WordPress and I am using the following plugins:
- Elementor
- Memberpress
- BuddyPress
- User Verification by Pickplugins
As well as some others but they are less relevant.
I would also like to add a google reCaptcha checkbox when user's login.
Looking forward to hearing your response.
Best wishes,
Charles White

Hi CharlesCreator,
Thanks for reaching out and reporting this issue. I appreciate you bringing it to our attention!
I've already forwarded your report directly to our development team and will get back to you as soon as I have an update on their progress.
I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Hi, are you using version 2.0.23? Update and try a test registration to see if the email arrives. We’ll help further if needed!