Thumbnails not showing

Thumbnails not showing 1
Sep 25, 2023 04:26 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Sep 2023
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Hi there,

I recently updated WooCommerce and the thumbnail images on the slider are no longer showing.

  • When editing the layout, a default image is shown.
  • When I set a default image it shows for each image on the home page
  • I tried the shortcode wcps_pickplugins id='24' in case of conflict but this shortcode doesn't work, it simply discplays the shortcode itself.
  • The html references the correct image URL using the tag data-lazy. The fill line is below

<img class="slick-loading" alt="Private: Self-inking Rubber Stamps" data-lazy="" src="">

The code that is gener

  • The URL appears in the lazy load
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Thumbnails not showing 2
Azizul Raju
Sep 26, 2023

Our apologies for the inconvenience.
We can see the issue is happening with the lazy-load enabled. We temporarily disabled the lazyload feature on your site, and images are now showing.
Our Developer is working on this issue and will update the plugin ASAP.

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