Template not working

Ticket for: Product Designer
Template not working 1
Mar 20, 2024 09:20 AM 0 Answers
Member Since Mar 2024
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I downloaded the design template and cant get the design to work inside the template. I sized the product image to match the size of the template but when you look at the design page, the template is under the instructions. I moved it from letf to right and it is underneath - so when you add text - it isnt displaying on the product.  The product is a greeting card. The product has white space on the bottom of the image, so it can be personalized to include a greeting. - However, if someone wants to add clip art or text on the image above - that is ok, too. If we need to just make the space that is editable underneath the image - that is fine, too.
Here is the shop page:  https://hehimshehers.com/shop/  It only has one item..  Here is the edit product page: https://hehimshehers.com/product/2-women/?pd_enable.

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