Slider showing items not in stock

Slider showing items not in stock 1
Jul 16, 2020 01:37 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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Hello, I have set your plugin to Query only "In stock products".

Also I have selected to "exclude out of stock" products.

Yet I had no luck trying both options, alone or in combination.

I have purged my website cache, yet the plugin is still displaying an out of stock item.

Can you doublecheck if this is working ?



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Slider showing items not in stock 2
Jul 16, 2020

Welcome to our forum.

I just tested the options, both are working fine here, you don't need to select both at the same time, just check any one of these

Include out of stock products? = Exclude


Query only? = In stock


Slider showing items not in stock 3
- Jul 17, 2020 11:26 PM
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I still have the same issue…my woocommerce is set to display out of stock products. So maybe that could be the issue ? Yet I still want to display out-of-stock in the shop, but not in the carousel….

Slider showing items not in stock 3
- Jul 16, 2020 01:50 PM
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Hello, the issue is with a product that was in stock at the time of creation of the slider, then went out of stock (0) after it was sold. I purged all my cache, yet it is still there. 🙁

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