Shortcodes for location don't work at all.

Ticket for: Job Board Manager
Shortcodes for location don't work at all. 1
Anonimus 33
May 02, 2023 08:39 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Apr 2023
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Shortcodes for location don\'t work at all.

2 Subscribers
Shortcodes for location don't work at all. 1
Shortcodes for location don't work at all. 3
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Shortcodes for location don't work at all. 4
Azizul Raju
May 03, 2023

What shortcode you're using?

We have a pro addon(also called locations) that comes with different shortcodes. Kindly check here -

Please note if you're using the free location addon these shortcodes will not work.
So to make it work please delete the free location addon and install this pro addon.

If you're interested you can buy this bundle package from here-

You'll get access all of your premium addons.


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