Product Slider vertical alighnment

Product Slider vertical alighnment 1
Oct 03, 2020 03:37 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Oct 2020
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Hello team,

Is it possible to help me with the vertical layout of a product slider items, I can\'t find an option for it and can\'t figure out what CSS snippet to use, nothing seems to work from what I am trying.

the page URL is

<a href=""></a>

and here are 2 images:

<a href="">what it is now</a>

and <a href="">what I am trying to get</a>.

In particular, that Price and \"Add to Cart\" will not depend on product text area height but visually are aligned on the same line.

Thank you!





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Product Slider vertical alighnment 2
Oct 04, 2020

Welcome to our forum.

this feature isn't available to keep cart button align same, you will need to do this by adding custom CSS,

Like you can set custom height for excerpt and title to make this

.layout-9125 .element-6 {
height: 120px;
.layout-9125 .element-5 { height: 60px; }

see the screenshot



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