Product Designer Sides

Ticket for: Product Designer
Product Designer Sides 1
Fran Gandy
Sep 23, 2020 08:15 PM 2 Answers
Member Since Sep 2020
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Hi, product sides don't seem to want to pull through. Also when I generate the image then it doesn't have the add to cart option.

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2 Answers
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Product Designer Sides 5
Sep 28, 2020

Welcome to our forum.

Sorry for the late reply

i just checked your admin, i just found settings was not setup correctly, after doing some change designer is working fine now. please check this.

also you probably missed our documentation for setup product designer.


Product Designer Sides 7
- Sep 29, 2020 11:38 PM
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Could you please send me the url of product where the issue is happening?

Product Designer Sides 6
Fran Gandy
- Sep 29, 2020 11:31 PM
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Hi, thanks again for the reply. The add to cart appears to be working fine, but the pages I don't want customize on are still showing it even when set to none and having cleared the browser cache. Is there some other setting i should be aware of?

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Best Answer
Product Designer Sides 9
Sep 24, 2020

I had an issue with Slides not showing but discovered you need to make sure an Icon is set for them. Just go back into the template and click on the icon and add something.

We also had the add to cart missing at one point, but this was because we were hiding it on the product page, so we added it back and used CSS to hide it on the product page, and then it showed again on the designer.

It is an awesome plugin 🙂

Product Designer Sides 6
Fran Gandy
- Sep 28, 2020 08:09 PM
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Hi, thanks for the answer, Icons did indeed sort out my sides issue. How do you mean you had it hidden on the products page? Please give a little more info. I had it working once only and then it stopped for some reason.

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