Product Designer canvas Window position

Ticket for: Product Designer
Product Designer canvas Window position 1
Dec 18, 2022 10:29 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Dec 2022
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Hello, The designer canvas position is always at the top of the page and is covered by some elements of the wp-theme I wanted to know if there is a way to be able to adjust the canvas and tools windows location through the hook method.

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Product Designer canvas Window position 1
Product Designer canvas Window position 3
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Product Designer canvas Window position 4
Azizul Raju
Dec 19, 2022

Hi Willie,
Welcome to PickPlugins.

We don't recommend to use our Product Designer plugin. This plugin was created many months ago with jQuery and currently has many issues. We have a plan to rewrite this plugin with the latest technology. The development process may take 2-3 months.
We're really sorry for the inconvenience.


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