POST GRID: what meta field should I use for popular posts?

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
POST GRID: what meta field should I use for popular posts? 1
Jan 14, 2019 01:32 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Dec 2018
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Hello, I bought your Post Grid plugin recently, and I really like it. Great work. The only thing I cannot figure out at the moment is how to generate a grid of popular posts. I read this thread:

Popular Posts

It seems like I should choose the options:
Post query orderby > Meta value (number)

But there is no information about the meta key field and what to insert there.

Could you please help me with this?

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POST GRID: what meta field should I use for popular posts? 1
POST GRID: what meta field should I use for popular posts? 3
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POST GRID: what meta field should I use for popular posts? 4
Jan 14, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

I just checked the plugin, can see they don't use meta key to save view count, they create custom table on the database to save views data, so I don't see any possible way to integrate with our plugin to display popular post.

I hope you understand,

The only way to display popular post by override query arguments via filter hook available in pur plugin, please see this documentation,


you will need to ask their support to get popular post ids as an array, so you can integrate with our plugin via filter hook.



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