Plugin is not working properly

Plugin is not working properly 1
satyam rawat
Oct 06, 2019 10:49 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Sep 2019
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Plugin is not displaying up product excerpt.

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Plugin is not working properly 1
Plugin is not working properly 3
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Plugin is not working properly 4
Oct 06, 2019

Welcome to our forum.
have you tried this option? please make sure you haven't checked the checkbox "Hide on front-end" please see the screenshot

Let me know the update.

Plugin is not working properly 5
- Oct 10, 2019 09:12 PM
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Absolutely disgusting support, the worst ever!
I have waited over 7 DAYS and I still have not got the so-called SUPPORT for this piece of rubbish plugin! You guys are an absolute JOKE!!!

Plugin is not working properly 5
- Oct 07, 2019 01:40 PM
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Thanks for your reply.

I am desperate to get my support setup and complete and have waited 5 days so far to get this resolved so I hope you can reply to me immediately today as we may need to go back and forth a few times to resolve this.

I have seen your screenshot but my current theme Twenty Nineteen does not have that function to "Hide on front-end" so the QA plugin is still not showing correctly.

Please let me know the top 3 WordPress Themes that are BEST used with your QA Plugin?? I will test those and see.

I have done ALL Setting in the plugin correctly and those base pages that are set in the plugin are showing 100% correctly, but the more INTERNAL PAGES of the plugin are NOT showing correctly.

Please see my screenshot and you will see how the INTERNAL PAGE of the plugin is showing a blank/white default page which is wrong. I need it to show my Elementor Header and Footer in the same way that your Support pages are showing here.

I look forward to your urgent reply today thanks.

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