Please ask the plugin providers for the articles to update the license in the WordPress for you

Please ask the plugin providers for the articles to update the license in the WordPress for you 1
Ken Pasque
Feb 17, 2024 12:14 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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I have the license...can you help me place it where it should go on my wordpress site .

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Please ask the plugin providers for the articles to update the license in the WordPress for you 2
Azizul Raju
Feb 17, 2024

Hi Ken,
Thanks for reaching out and bringing this to our attention! It seems you're referring to our Product Slider for WooCommerce plugin, and you're correct, we need to update the article.

Updating your license key:

1. Go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to WCPS => Settings.
2. Locate the License section and enter your key in the designated field.
3. Click the Save Change button to save your changes.

Please note: To use the license key feature, you need both the free and pro versions of our plugin installed and activated.

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