How can I download the previous stable version of woocommerce slider plugin you have?

How can I download the previous stable version of woocommerce slider plugin you have? 1
Jun 13, 2020 09:22 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jun 2020
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PickPlugins Product Slider for WooCommerce

Your plugin is unstable and WORDPRESS is failing even after reset and import again the site.

Version: 1.13.12

Please provide a stable version. Where can I get the previous one to this unstable one!?

Unstable with elementor and also products list table does not display properly. A few issues. Very buggy.



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How can I download the previous stable version of woocommerce slider plugin you have? 2
Jun 16, 2020

Welcome to our forum.

Hope you already solve the issue via email support.


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