Hide out of stock products & use manual meta query

Hide out of stock products & use manual meta query 1
Jan 16, 2019 04:08 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 2019
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Hi, friend!
I\'ve bought WCPS. First of all it\'s great work and nice product! But I have some problems.
1. I can\'t to hide out of stock products. I\'ve checked \"Hide out of stock items\" radio-box, but it\'s not working. Products in my store has \"_stock_status=instock\" or \"_stock_status=outofstock\" values.
2. I can\'t to use \"Meta query\". When I try to add meta query, I have the problem in this screenshot (https://imgur.com/a/h5wnBJk).

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Hide out of stock products & use manual meta query 1
Hide out of stock products & use manual meta query 3
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Hide out of stock products & use manual meta query 4
Jan 16, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

Please check if you use any cache plugin, try with deactivate cache plugin and try again. or try a hard refresh.

For adding meta query argument click on the blue area will open the input fields. please see the screenshot https://imgur.com/a/aORoBa0.


Let me know the update.



Hide out of stock products & use manual meta query 5
- Jan 19, 2019 11:17 AM
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I have replied another question, please follow here https://pickplugins.com/question/dont-work-any-options/#comment-11971


Hide out of stock products & use manual meta query 6
- Jan 17, 2019 03:42 AM
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Thanks for your response!

1. As I know, I haven't any cache plugins. All of the changes applies after update. I tried to delete and install plugin again. But it's useless. The "Hide out of stock items" parameter don't works.

2. The problem, that the blue area is disable to click. I activated this area in view code mode (https://imgur.com/a/Qepjqkv), but it is not comfortable. Please, could you help me to fix it?

3. When I activated meta query argument, I hide out of stock products (https://imgur.com/a/Qepjqkv). But it's not so good solve for first problem.

4. I have one more problem with autoplay speed. I picked up params for PC version, but the autoplay speed of mobile version is so fast. Could you help me to fix it.

Thanks a lot!

Best regards

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