Help with PHP code placement

Help with PHP code placement 1
Apr 22, 2016 09:23 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Aug 2015
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Hi there!  I recently bought a 1-domain premium license and installed the plugin but I can't get it to appear on the page. I put in the shortcode where I want it to display on the page, but I can't find where I'm supposed to insert the PHP code beneath the shortlink.  I tried putting it in the code view of the page I want the grid to display on, tried putting it into the functions.php file, but the grid still isn't showing up.  Where should it be placed? Thank you!

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Help with PHP code placement 2
Apr 22, 2016

Welcome to our forum, i guess you are talking about Post grid plugin Have you watched the video tutorial ?   Let me know for more help.   Regards

Help with PHP code placement 3
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please check more video tutorial link at bottom of this link, Regards

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