Full width the product slider and change the add to cart button colour

Full width the product slider and change the add to cart button colour 1
Oct 09, 2023 09:24 PM 1 Answers
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Hi there, could you please help me make the product slider to be full width? from the most left of the screen, stretched to the most right of the screen like my first slider at the top of the home page? And how to change the colour of Add to Cart button to black and white instead of blue and white?

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Full width the product slider and change the add to cart button colour 2
Azizul Raju
Oct 10, 2023

We're not responsible for making your slider full-width. It's totally dependent on the theme you're using. I can see our slider is wrapped in a container, and the container has a maximum width. You can remove the max-width CSS value to make it full-width.
Screenshot: https://ibb.co/dtnSz6n

And for the button, the color is indeed black and white.
Screenshot: https://ibb.co/qrWcY5X

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