Customizing the Display of Products: Seeking Assistance with ‘Product Slider for WooCommerce by PickPlugins

Customizing the Display of Products: Seeking Assistance with 'Product Slider for WooCommerce by PickPlugins 1
Mar 07, 2024 04:14 AM 0 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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Dear PickPlugins,

I really like the product carousel effect on this website when displayed on mobile devices. In the "New Arrivals" section, it can display two and a half products at a time, instead of showing three products at once. Additionally, the titles of the products are automatically standardized in length, resulting in a very neat arrangement. Can the "Product Slider for WooCommerce by PickPlugins" plugin achieve this? I tried using this plugin to test displaying the carousel with only two and a half products. I set the parameter in the backend to "2.5", but I found that the half product is displayed on the left side. I would like it to be displayed on the right side. How can I achieve this? Looking forward to your reply, and thanks again!

Best regards.

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