Critical error

Critical error 1
M.J.B. Mensink
Jun 18, 2023 12:52 PM 1 Answers
Member Since May 2023
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Whenever I use your plugin the page breaks and a message appears: \'critical error\'.

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Critical error 1
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Critical error 4
Azizul Raju
Jun 18, 2023

Hi Mensink,
Thanks for providing admin access.

I can see you're creating a slider for product categories, but on layouts, you've selected elements for posts, but you've to use elements for products.
However, we've fixed the issue, and it's working fine now.

Critical error 5
Azizul Raju
- Jul 10, 2023 11:52 AM
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We wrote some custom CSS to make the entire area clickable. Please check.

Critical error 6
M.J.B. Mensink
- Jul 03, 2023 01:24 AM
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Allright, thank you! Unfortunately it still doesn’t show the product category or the other fields I’d like to be shown. Am I missing something? And can I make the whole area clickable (i.e. link to the product)?

Critical error 5
Azizul Raju
- Jun 19, 2023 11:29 AM
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It’s normal. You’ve to set a height from the options setting or write CSS code under custom scripts. We wrote CSS for Flip-Y to set a fixed height on your image.

Please tell us what layout you want to use, or you can share the design if you have it in mind. We’ll help you to customize.

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