Change Background on Individual Job Page(s)

Change Background on Individual Job Page(s) 1
Jun 08, 2016 12:46 AM 2 Answers General
Member Since Aug 2015
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I want to have the background of the individual job pages to be white, but currently it shows up (im guessing) as transparent, and it just does not look good on my theme. How can I change it, so that when a job posting is clicked, and that individual job page loads, the background is white?

I also have another problem, which is hard to describe. It is easier if you just see is a link...

When the page loads for any job....scroll to the bottom, and you will see a HUGE blueish bar that overlaps some of the words from the job posting. What should I do to correct that?

Thanks in advance!

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Change Background on Individual Job Page(s) 2
Jun 08, 2016

I understand your theme structure, there is already solution included in our plugin to fix theme isue.
Please add following code in your theme functions.php

add_action('job_bm_action_before_single_job', 'job_bm_action_before_single_job', 10);
add_action('job_bm_action_after_single_job', 'job_bm_action_after_single_job', 10);

function job_bm_action_before_single_job() {
  echo '

function job_bm_action_after_single_job() {
  echo '

Let me know the result.

Change Background on Individual Job Page(s) 3
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Amazing! You sir, are my HERO!! Thank you so very Much!

Change Background on Individual Job Page(s) 3
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Amazing! You sir, are my HERO!! Thank you so very Much!

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Best Answer
Change Background on Individual Job Page(s) 2
Jun 08, 2016

Welcome to our forum
#1. the background color is come form our theme CSS
#2. this is also your theme CSS issue, theme footer using negative value for bottom margin ,
you can fix the issue by adding following CSS, or remove the original
.footer-wrapper {
  margin-top: 0 !important;
Let me know for more help.

Change Background on Individual Job Page(s) 3
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Thanks for the quick reply! I have found the area in my theme setup where I can change the -100 setting, and changing it there does correct the problem…however, Is there a way to only change that for the Job pages that get generated for each job I add?

Also, (and kind of the same type of question) How can I change the background ONLY for the pages that are generated for each new job posting. In other words, I dont want to change that background throughout the whole website, only the pages that get displayed when I click on an individual job posting.

Thanks so much!

Change Background on Individual Job Page(s) 3
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Thanks for the quick reply! I have found the area in my theme setup where I can change the -100 setting, and changing it there does correct the problem…however, Is there a way to only change that for the Job pages that get generated for each job I add?

Also, (and kind of the same type of question) How can I change the background ONLY for the pages that are generated for each new job posting. In other words, I dont want to change that background throughout the whole website, only the pages that get displayed when I click on an individual job posting.

Thanks so much!

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