Can’t create Accordion in Pro after import using WordPress Importer

Can't create Accordion in Pro after import using WordPress Importer 1
Jun 21, 2018 07:07 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jan 2018
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I followed instructions on exporting/importing here, and the importer reported success. But now whenever I go to the Content tab in a new or existing accordion set, there aren't any accordions but rather an error message:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1529424704 bytes) in E:\xampp\htdocs\cpd_wrdprs\wp-content\plugins\accordions\includes\meta.php on line 799

I should note that I'm working with a version of my site in xampp (local testing environement). I was using the premium version 3.1.30 of Accordions when this happened, but I have since replaced that with version 3.1.32 (hoping that would fix things). I've tried uninstalling/ reinstalling the plugin, clearing my browser cache, and deactivating all other plugins. I've also tried upping the memory in php.ini and wp-config.php. But that just results in an out of memory error rather than allowed ... exhausted. Seems like my database has been altered in some way that causes a memory leak with the plugin.

Any help appreciated. Thank you.

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Can't create Accordion in Pro after import using WordPress Importer 1
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Can't create Accordion in Pro after import using WordPress Importer 4
Jun 21, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

I haven't reported the issue before, can you please send me temporary admin access to your site?


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