BlueFlower Media Collaboration

Ticket for: Product Designer
BlueFlower Media Collaboration 1
Feb 08, 2023 05:03 AM 0 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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I hope you're well. We are looking to integrate a design software onto our printing website and were considering you.

I would just like some clarification as to whether we can do the following with the software;

If the client selects for example; 10 PT Postcard, 5" X 7" - then once they hit the design button, the artboard will be that custom size fetched from the WooCommerce variation
We want them to have the ability to also switch the 5" X 7" to 7" X 5" either in the artboard or prior to the artboard launching. It would be nice if the artboard had the option to "switch orientation" or we can have a drop-down in the product page with options "horizontal" & "vertical"
The software would need to allow white-labeling
Customers should be able to import artwork and customize text, fonts, shapes, etc.
The website admin should be able to add templates and categorize templates for their customers to choose from.
Once an order is made, the software would need to provide a media file URL to the WooCommerce order page.
Would this be hosted on your servers or our servers?
Can you let me know if these features would be possible or if there are any workarounds with these desired features in mind?

Can you let me know your pricing for 1 single website as well?


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