Accordion Plugin suddenly broke

Ticket for: Accordions
Accordion Plugin suddenly broke 1
May 13, 2020 06:53 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Sep 2018
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Hi there,

all of a sudden it is not possible to add content to new or existing accordions. The Tab 'content' still shows the 'Add' button, but without any function. In that tab a messages tells me about a 'critical error on my website' and on further inspection the critical error is obvious:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1589373616 bytes) in /[...]/wp-content/plugins/accordions/includes/meta.php on line 799

As a developer I know what you are thinking: 'He must have installed or developed other plugins that interfere', and of course I did and I looked into that.  The problem remains if I deactivate ALL other plugins.

So what could that be? A whopping 1.5GB memory allocation points to some kind of feedback loop maybe? Any ideas on how to attack that problem?

We are using the premium Version 3.1.35  with an active license. Site is a wordpress blog network running in an intranet context, so external access is not possible.

Best regards,


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Accordion Plugin suddenly broke 1
Accordion Plugin suddenly broke 3
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Accordion Plugin suddenly broke 4
May 16, 2020

Welcome to our forum.

We have recently both free and pro version, instead of 3.1.35 please try latest version of pro 1.0.0 it will require free version also, Please try and let me know the result. please check this documentation if you are confused.

Please download manually latest version from here, because we still not set released latest version as we are collecting more info about latest version and fixing issues.


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