Accordion plugin conflict with Awake theme

Accordion plugin conflict with Awake theme 1
May 21, 2016 09:29 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Aug 2015
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I'm using the free version of Accordion, and the plugin is conflicting with the homepage slider on our site that uses the Awake theme. When Accordion is activated, the slider stops working. When Accordion is deactivated, the slider works fine. We were going to upgrade to the paid version because we want the ability to have at least one of the accordion levels open by default when the page is accessed, but we need to resolve this conflict first. Admittedly, this may be tough only because the Awake developer has gone out of business recently and isn't supporting the theme anymore, but we were hoping this might be resolvable anyway.
The site home page is at:
and the Accordion is displayed on this page:
Thank you for your help! We love the plugin and hope to resolve the conflict and want to move up to the paid version!

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Accordion plugin conflict with Awake theme 2
May 26, 2016

Sorry for late reply.
Have you solved your issue ?
I can't see you are using accordion on home page you mentioned
Might jQUery conflict, i need to check when both plugin activated.

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