No verification email

If you found this issue is happening with you, please follow


# Check your mail server

Please first check is your mail server is working properly or not, you can send a test mail to check. if you found no mail issue then its probably another issue lets move on.


# Try default registration form

Before trying custom or 3rd party registration form we recommend you using default registration form first. see what’s happening, if you see there is still no verification mail its probably another issue.


# 3rd party registration form

If you are using 3rd party registration form, please make sure its use following default action hook, we use this hook to integrate our plugin,

you should consult your theme or plugin author or developer of the registration form.


# 3rd party plugin support

we have already added some 3rd party plugins integration with our plugin.

  • WooCommerce
  • Ultimate Member
  • Paid Memberships Pro