Category FAQ – PickPlugins Products Slider

Item wrapper link

You may wrapped the whole item wrapper within a hyperlink by filter hook, please use the following code. add_action(‘wcps_slider_item_start’, ‘wcps_slider_item_start_link’, 10); function wcps_slider_item_start_link($args){ $product_id = isset($args[‘product_id’]) ? $args[‘product_id’] : ”; $product_url = get_permalink($product_id); ?> <a href=”<?php echo esc_url_raw($product_url); ?>”> <?php…

Slider on Shop and archive pages

You can display WCPS on shop an archive page, on shop page: you can use the following code under theme functions.php file to display slider on shop page before loop. add_action( ‘woocommerce_before_shop_loop’, ‘wcps_on_shop_page_top’, 20 ); function wcps_on_shop_page_top($content) { $active_plugins =…

Install pro version

How to upgrade pro version? Install free version of PickPlugins Product Slider first. please download plugin from this link Then install pro version by downloading from our website, you can get plugin zip file from My account > Downloads …