Category Accordions

Display Product FAQ tab

If you want to display the FAQ tab on the product page, follow the method below. First, go to the product page. See, there is a Product FAQ Tab widget. Now select an accordion and give the name of the…

Find on default search result

By default, accordions data is saved under post meta fields, unlike the post content. You may not find accordions on default search results, but we have a solution. You will need to add the following code to your theme functions.php…

Accordion is not working

If you see accordions are not working or just loaded on opening all the sections/accordions, this is probably a JS error on your page; please check the browser console area to see the JS errors, right-click on your page and…

Icons not showing

If you see icons not showing even if you put the correct icon HTML, please check the accordions settings page and see that the correct font awesome version is selected for your icons. Also, if you are using other font…

Display accordion under post dynamically

Using this Accordion Plugin, you can show accordion under the post dynamically. Display dynamically different accordions under the different posts. First, you must set the custom meta field accordion_id under your post where you want to display the accordion. Then…

Enable debug and debug log

To enable debug and debug log to your WordPress site, please copy and paste the following two lines to your WordPress root directory under the config.php file. And then save or update the config.php file, then try to regenerate errors…

Remove product FAQ tab

This article is about to remove the FAQ tab from the product page. If you want to remove the FAQ tab from the product page, follow the method below. First, go to the product page. See, there is a Product…