Best Accordion Plugin for WordPress

Accordions is a pure HTML & CSS3 responsive Accordion plugin WordPress. With this plugin, you can display unlimited accordion on the same page via shortcode. Mostly work with every page builder that supports displaying shortcodes under content widgets.

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List Of Features

  • Nested/multi level accordion
  • Click header to scroll top
  • Header text toggle
  • Display expand/collapse all button
  • Expand/collapse all text
  • Expand/collapse background color
  • Header click track & stats
  • Header background image
  • Custom background color
  • Accordion icons background color
  • Icons font size
  • Accordion icons padding
  • Icons margin
  • Accordion header custom class
  • Header background color
  • Header Active background color
  • Accordion header text color
  • Hover text color
  • Accordion header font size
  • Schema for FAQ page
  • Active accordion on page load
  • Icon position to right
  • Enable search
  • Search placeholder text
  • Enable lazy load
  • Lazy load image
  • Enable autoembed
  • 3rd party shortcode on content
  • Enable wpautop
  • Header padding
  • Header margin
  • Header font family
  • Accordion content custom class
  • Content background color
  • Content text color
  • Content font size
  • Content padding
  • Content margin
  • Content font family
  • Accordion collapsible
  • Keep expanded others option
  • Accordion content height style
  • Accordion activate event
  • Custom active icon
  • Custom inactive icon
  • Accordion icons text color
  • Icons hover color
  • Accordion container padding
  • Container background color
  • Container background image
  • Container text align
  • Sort accordion content
  • Hide accordion content
  • WP editor for accordion content
  • Font-awesome version selection
  • Accordions preview on frontend
  • Export accordion
  • Import accordion

Manage Accordion Content

We’ve designed a stunning and user-friendly interface where you can manage your content with a click. Add, edit, or delete elements in seconds, and effortlessly rearrange your accordions with drag-and-drop – all within a beautiful, clutter-free workspace.

Auto-embed Feature

That’s a useful feature our Accordion plugin offers. It allows you to create a richer and more engaging user experience by displaying video or other embeddable objects directly within the accordion, eliminating the need for users to click through to another page or website.

Custom Active and Inactive Icon

We have option settings for both active and inactive accordion states, allowing you to choose different icons for each. You can choose the icon from various Font Awesome versions, ensuring flexibility to create awesome designs.

Lazyload Feature

This accordion feature is a game-changer for website performance and user experience. Imagine you have a website with a long accordion section filled with numerous images. Without lazy loading, all those images would be downloaded immediately upon page load, potentially causing slow loading times. Our lazyload feature fixes this issue and improves page load speed, providing a smoother user experience

Schema Markup

Our Accordion plugin can automatically generate Schema which is really helpful for SEO. Accordion schema is a type of structured data markup that can be used to mark up accordion content on a website. This markup helps search engines understand the structure of the content and how it is organized.
From the plugin settings, you can quickly enable or disable Schema.

Scroll To Top

When an accordion section opens, particularly if it’s long or buried deep within the content, scrolling to the top can ensure the user sees the entire section without needing to manually scroll back up. This feature encourages users to explore the entire content within each section.

Set Toggled Text

Our Toggled Text option allows you to specify different text to display for the accordion title or header depending on its state (open or closed). That’s a great feature that can enhance user experience and content presentation.

Accordion Search

Our real-time accordion search feature saves time and reduces frustration for users who know exactly what they are looking for. For a large number of items, this search functionality is a valuable feature.

Expand/Collapse All Button

The Expand/Collapse All button on the accordion is an awesome feature for users who want to quickly expand or collapse all accordion sections with a single click.

Vertical Tabs

You can easily create a vertical tab that is particularly beneficial on websites with limited horizontal space. It also creates a more natural reading flow, especially for languages that read top-to-bottom.

Nested/Multi-Level Accordion

The nested/multi-level accordion feature allows for the creation of sub-sections within the main accordion. These sub-sections can be expanded or collapsed independently of their parent accordion section.

Header Click Track & Stats

This feature monitors and tracks user interactions by logging each time a user collapses or expands a specific accordion header section.

Open/Active Accordion

Our accordion plugin offers flexible control over which accordion panel is initially open. You can choose to:

  • Open/Active accordion by url Parameter
  • Open/Active accordion by url hash
  • Open/Active accordion by selection

Available Shortcodes

[accordions id=”123″]

To display an accordion, use this shortcode.

[accordions_pickplguins id=”123″]

You can also use this shortcode to display accordion and avoid conflicts with 3rd party shortcodes.

[accordions_tabs id=”45″]

To show the tab, simply use the this shortcode.

[accordions_tabs_pickplguins id=”45″]

You can also use this shortcode to display tab and avoid conflicts with 3rd party shortcodes.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Accordions are collapsible sections of content that users can expand or contract by clicking on headers. They’re a great way to organize large amounts of information, improve user experience, and add interactivity to your website.

Search engines love organized content, and accordions deliver just that. By structuring your information into clear sections with relevant headers, you’re making it easier for search engine crawlers to understand your website. This can boost your SEO ranking, leading to more organic traffic and higher visibility.

The <details></details> tag in HTML is for collapsible. It creates a collapsible section of content that users can expand or collapse. You can use the <summary></summary> Tag to add a trigger text or heading.