you can downgrade plugin any time, please download from here old version and reinstall.

Ticket for: Accordions Combo
you can downgrade plugin any time, please download from here old version and reinstall. 1
Mar 21, 2020 01:49 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Mar 2020
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The link provided is opening the wrong page.

PickPlugins Product Slider for WooCommerce

Data migration does not even start.

There is no even access to the old plugin version.

The update wiped all the content.

This plugin has always created problems

2 Subscribers
you can downgrade plugin any time, please download from here old version and reinstall. 1
you can downgrade plugin any time, please download from here old version and reinstall. 3
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you can downgrade plugin any time, please download from here old version and reinstall. 4
Mar 23, 2020

Welcome to our forum.

Hi, please try latest version, we have fixed data migration issue,

Also please go this link to get older version


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