Wrong version number in latest update (1.3 is still 1.2)

Wrong version number in latest update (1.3 is still 1.2) 1
Yngve Josefsson
Oct 23, 2023 03:03 PM 1 Answers
Member Since May 2023
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Hey guys,

Like the title says, the latest update still gets the 1.2 version number and will because of that always be available as an update in the plugins update list.

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Wrong version number in latest update (1.3 is still 1.2) 1
Wrong version number in latest update (1.3 is still 1.2) 3
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Wrong version number in latest update (1.3 is still 1.2) 4
Azizul Raju
Oct 24, 2023

Welcome to PickPlugins.

I'm not sure which plugin you're talking about! Here is our plugin URL - https://wordpress.org/plugins/wc-product-filter/
And we don't have such version 1.2 or 1.3.

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