WPCS Slider Broken

WPCS Slider Broken 1
Mar 24, 2020 10:09 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jan 1970
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Hi there,

On https://bridgecommercials.co.uk/ I had a slider underneath "Featured Vans", but as you can see, it is not displaying.  This was working just fine up until recently.

I have no idea what has changed to cause this to happen and have looked through the slider settings etc and don't know how to get it going again.  I disabled all plugins apart from WooCommerce, this plugin and advanced custom fields (website broke with ACF disabled) and it still wasn't working, so doesn't seem to be a plugin conflict.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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WPCS Slider Broken 2
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WPCS Slider Broken 3
Mar 25, 2020

Welcome to our forum.

have you run data migration? Could you please send me a temporary admin access to your site? i will check the issue, please send me login info to support@pickplugins.com


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