WooCommerce payment redirects wrong

Ticket for: User Verification
WooCommerce payment redirects wrong 1
Daniel Perez
Mar 03, 2024 04:47 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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Hi, I have a WordPress/WooCommerce website and I want to use your plugin User Verification, to activate the customer accounts. In the side of my account page, all works fine, but the problem is in the checkout page, if I have a logged user and try to buy a product, the system redirects me to page with a log in form or empty cart page instead thank you page, once I deactivated your User Verification plugin the system works correctly, can you help me with this?

Note: I can send a video with the User Verification settings and the behavior of my website.

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WooCommerce payment redirects wrong 2
Azizul Raju
Mar 09, 2024

Hi Daniel,
I apologize for the delay in my response.

A screen recording of the problem would be incredibly helpful for our team to diagnose the issue quickly and get a clear picture of what's happening.

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