Woocommerce Demo

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Woocommerce Demo 1
Jul 01, 2023 03:45 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jun 2023
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Hi, does this plugin support product post type? My requirement is to show product images in a brick or masonry grid, and on hover - display 'add to cart' button, title, or price of the image as my site is about selling digital products like videos jpg png gif, etc. Another requirement is watermarking, but I know this is not possible with this plugin. Another condition is to show a search box right above the grid, which should be able to take query string parameters - e.g. if I search something like abc.com?s=xyz&post_type=product, then it will show me the results matching with 'xyz'. That is all.

Plugin - Post Grid Combo Pro

If I take a break next year to renew the plugin, will all the Pro features still work? Can you also provide woocommerce demo?

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Woocommerce Demo 2
Azizul Raju
Jul 11, 2023

Welcome to PickPlugins.

Yes, you can query products with masonry enabled, And you're also free to use any elements on your layout, like 'add to cart' button. But we have a very basic search feature. Please explore the link below before buying, and also note all the pro features remain unlocked if you don't renew, but you'll not receive future updates.

Demo link: https://www.pickplugins.com/demo/post-grid/

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