Won’t work after upgrading to PRO

Won't work after upgrading to PRO 1
Apr 06, 2018 12:09 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Apr 2018
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Hi, after upgrading to PRO, I get this on my page: Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_woocommerce() in /home/content/37/5284637/html/wp-content/plugins/breadcrumb/includes/class-breadcrumb.php on line 178. I\'m using the DECODE theme. ThxAny ideas?

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Won't work after upgrading to PRO 1
Won't work after upgrading to PRO 3
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Won't work after upgrading to PRO 4
Apr 06, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

Can you please re download and re-install the version breadcrumb-2.0.5 and let me know the update.

this issue is happening if WooCommerce plugin isn't activate, we need to fix this issue.


Won't work after upgrading to PRO 5
- Apr 07, 2018 04:32 AM
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That worked. I deleted and reinstalled it yesterday, but delete and reinstall did work this time. Also, I noticed the pro version file I downloaded yesterday was 2.0.4… but now it's 2.0.5.

Everything good; Thx!!! 🙂

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