Hi, i have some issues with links in content. I use wpml for translation. In english language i inserted mail and create link and everything works fine. But when i do the same in german language link in content doesn't work. See here:
German version (link on mail don't work): http://www.konservatorij-maribor.si/de/ueber-uns/die-beschaeftigten/der-lehrkoerper
English version (lin on mail work): http://www.konservatorij-maribor.si/en/about-us/staff/teaching-staff

Welcome to our forum,
I have checked your link, could not understand clearly why this is happening, can you please check the content for "German " language also linked.
I would like to suggest you if you want to display team member email address under content you could use meta fields and filter hook to display
you need to add follwoing code to your theme functions.php file and i hope its won't be issue with WMPL plugin.
add_filter('team_grid_filter_content', 'team_grid_filter_content_extra' ); function team_grid_filter_content_extra($content){ $team_member_social_links = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'team_member_social_links',true); $team_member_email = $team_member_social_links['email']; return $content.''; }
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