I set the plugin to delete unverified users every day and the interval is every 12 hours. So why does my next scheduled delete time show as 2 days from now? I need this to delete the unverified users every day and would like to even have an option to delete all of them right now instead of waiting. But it says the next scheduled time is the 8th, which is 2 days from now. Why?
I am unable to attach my screenshot.
Under Tools, my options are set to:
Delete unverified users: Yes
Delay: 720
Delete interval: Daily
So these settings should delete unverified users once per day, correct? Then why does it show my next delete time as being 2024-03-08 01:54:44 ?
Hi Greg,
Thanks for reaching out.
While it might seem like a quick solution, WordPress actually recommends against it, especially if you have a large number of unverified users. Doing so could potentially cause unintended consequences.
Long time display issue:
1. First, ensure you've set the correct timezone for your WordPress installation. You can find this setting by following the steps in this screenshot: https://ibb.co/H2vqt2x
2. Set the "Delete Unverified Users" option to "No" and save the changes. Screenshot: https://ibb.co/3dL4Myt
3. Now again set the option to "Yes" and select a daily interval. Save your changes again. Screenshot: https://ibb.co/GVhGVH7
Important: Even with scheduled deletion, the displayed time might be inaccurate initially. After saving your settings, reload the page, and the schedule time should adjust automatically.
Ok I did as you suggested and downloaded Advanced Cron Manager and I did see the task called “user_verification_delete_unverified_user” which was set to execute in about an hour like I had expected (even though the plugin said next execution was tomorrow, the cron manager said in about 1 hour, which was actually correct) – So then I manually executed it. It said it was done, so I went to my user list and still had 1600+ users. It did not appear to do anything.