Why not recommended to mark all existing users as verified?

Ticket for: User Verification
Why not recommended to mark all existing users as verified? 1
Apr 01, 2023 12:58 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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Hi, I just installed User Verification and it is working well, thanks.

I noticed in the settings there's an option to mark all existing users as "verified." The purpose would be the flush out all non-verified users at an interval in the future. However, there's a note in the settings warning me against marking everyone as "verified," saying it's not recommended. Why is that not recommended?

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Why not recommended to mark all existing users as verified? 2
Azizul Raju
Apr 01, 2023

We put that warning because with this option turned on, all the new registered users will automatically be verified as well.
It's recommended to explore the Users section and verify a user individually.
Screenshot: https://i.ibb.co/GcRW34d/p.png

Why not recommended to mark all existing users as verified? 3
- Jun 05, 2023 09:11 PM
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I’m in exactly the same situation. I have 36,000 old users, and they’re not being able to log in because they’re not verified. And I don’t want to change my custom login forms to show error messages about the need for verification.

However, as far as I can tell, setting Existing User to Verified to Yes and setting the Existing User to Verified Interval to 10 minutes has no effect. I’ve had it set that way for an hour or so now, and all my users are still set to Old User, not Verified (except for the few I’ve done manually).

I’m asking my developer if we can change Old User to Verified directly in the MySQL database, but is there something I’m missing about how this is supposed to work? As with Jeff, I want to mark all my existing users as verified and then turn that feature off and have all new users be unverified until they confirm.

Why not recommended to mark all existing users as verified? 4
- Apr 01, 2023 09:29 PM
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Got it. So, I have 15,000+ users, so going page by page and user by user would not be practical.

What I would want is, just one time mark all existing users as verified. Then, going forward, require user verification.

So, can I say “Yes” to mark all existing users as verified, save the settings, and then go back and turn that setting off? Will that mark all existing users verified, and then require verification for any future user?

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