Where to see the status of confirmation of mail after the user passes a link from the mail

Where to see the status of confirmation of mail after the user passes a link from the mail 1
Mar 18, 2019 08:02 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Mar 2019
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Where to see the status of confirmation of mail after the user passes a link from the mail
I do not use Captcha
I have the opportunity to manually confirm the account, but there is no possibility to see, the client has confirmed the mail

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Where to see the status of confirmation of mail after the user passes a link from the mail 1
Where to see the status of confirmation of mail after the user passes a link from the mail 3
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Where to see the status of confirmation of mail after the user passes a link from the mail 4
Mar 18, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

I guess you are talking about https://wordpress.org/plugins/user-verification/ which is not the same plugin as you selected for support User Profile – Verified Users

There is no such feature to see when the user clicks verification link and get verified,

But hopefully, you can get the copy of verified email after user get verified by put your email address under the option

User Verification > Email Templates >New User Confirmed > Email To: (Copy)

Please see the screenshot



Where to see the status of confirmation of mail after the user passes a link from the mail 5
- Mar 19, 2019 08:29 AM
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Please see the screenshot where to chnage messe


Where to see the status of confirmation of mail after the user passes a link from the mail 5
- Mar 19, 2019 08:29 AM
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You can change this message from setting to make this meaningful, the default text " Invalid activation Key" message will show when directly access to the verification page, this page will need with key parameter in url, the shortcode process the check verification key and take verification process and display the messages accordingly. hiding these message is not good idea.

you can add your custom CSS to style as you need, hope you understand.

Where to see the status of confirmation of mail after the user passes a link from the mail 7
- Mar 19, 2019 04:38 AM
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By trial, I understood
specifying the user registration page in the settings
your [user_verification_check] does not register there itself

If you put it manually, it constantly shows
Customize error messages
Invalid activation key

If you go through the registration message for 1 second turns green and indicates a successful completion and immediately becomes back to

Customize error messages
Invalid activation key

I made this message on the page under the background color
the text itself is not visible, but the general background is visible.

After that, confirmation by mail began to work, but the second message about confirmation of mail does not come.

I ask you to fix the plugin for the version

WordPress: 5.1.1
Storefront 2.4.5
woocommerce 3.5.6

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