Where can I get an older version of accordion

Ticket for: Accordions Combo
Where can I get an older version of accordion 1
Jan 07, 2019 10:37 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 2019
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I mistakenly updated accordion to the newest version and my website went down after that. The only way to bring it back up was to connect to the ftp and delete the accordions plugin folder but now I'm missing the dropdown menus. Is there a way for me to get version 2.0 so i can install that one again?

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Where can I get an older version of accordion 1
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Where can I get an older version of accordion 4
Jan 07, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

Please go this link https://wordpress.org/plugins/accordions/advanced/ see at the bottom you will able to choose the version, and click to download.

If you please mentioned the problem, then I could help you to fix.



Where can I get an older version of accordion 5
- Jan 08, 2019 02:02 AM
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thank you so much.

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