When will I Get my licence key

When will I Get my licence key 1
May 15, 2016 03:44 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since May 2016
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I've paid for the Tabs plugin. I think the developer should let people know you will not get the licence key instantly. Its been almost an hour since my purchase and no response on how to access the premium version of the Tabs plugin.

How soon is a licence key usually delivered?

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When will I Get my licence key 2
May 15, 2016

Apologize for late reply,
I have already replied your mail.

your access should made instantly after completed the payment but its might be issue bad happening with you.


I can see your canceled order with payment already made. the issue sometime happening for following reason

# you take long time to complete the payment
# payment screen unexpectedly closed.
# cookie got expired during payment.
# and payment gateway server issue.

We are really sorry to see this is happening with you. if you still need the product i can manually complete the order and you can access to download otherwise i will submit refund request to our payment gateway.

Let me know if you still interested in our plugin.


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