When customizing the breadcrumb for post types, the Category Ancestors is not working as expected.

Ticket for: Breadcrumb
When customizing the breadcrumb for post types, the Category Ancestors is not working as expected. 1
May 03, 2023 02:08 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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First thank you for this plugin. It solves a real problem. We're currently testing a number of breadcrumb solutions to see what works best for us and this one appears to offer the best level of control over the link structure.

We're trying to build the breadcrumb structure for blog posts and we built it using the following...

Custom Text (/blog)
Category Ancestors
Post category
Post title

The expected result is...

Home >> Blog >> Category1 >> Category1A >> Post #1

However, the outputted result is...

Home >> Blog >> Category1A >> Post #1

The parent category (Category1) is missing.

Can you shed some light on this? Thank you in advance. We have another question but we'll create a separate ticket for it.

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When customizing the breadcrumb for post types, the Category Ancestors is not working as expected. 2
Azizul Raju
May 03, 2023

It's possible by providing the taxonomy. Please check this screenshot - https://ibb.co/gZSn2Qh

To find the taxonomy name - https://ibb.co/QMkBmYS

Let us know if it helps. Would you mind writing a review for our plugin? It'll inspire us a lot. You can post your review here- https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/breadcrumb/reviews/

Thank you so much

When customizing the breadcrumb for post types, the Category Ancestors is not working as expected. 3
- May 03, 2023 09:44 PM
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This worked! Thank you very much.

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