Verify imported users

Ticket for: User Verification
Verify imported users 1
Jun 01, 2023 07:04 AM 0 Answers
Member Since Apr 2023
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I use WP Fusion to import new users into WordPress from my CRM.

Because I import users from my CRM, they have already been verified.

When I import users, User Verification automatically marks the user as Not Verified; however, it does not send the verification e-mail.

My desired behavior would be this: To automatically mark an imported user as verified (because they\\\'ve been verified in my CRM). Alternatively, imported users could get a verification e-mail to click.

At the moment, I have to go in and mark all imported users as \\\"Verified\\\" before they attempt to login. This is fine if I manually import batches of users, but I\\\'d like to import users automatically - I can\\\'t do that now because an automatically imported user would get locked out.

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Verify imported users 1
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