User Verification html code in email subject

Ticket for: User Verification
User Verification html code in email subject 1
Jun 28, 2023 02:45 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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Hello Pickplugins support team,

About your User Verification plugin :

When I write a email subject with an apostrophe character in it, your plugin sent the html code of the apostrophe character.

For example :

The subject line : Lorem l'ipsum

will sent : Lorem l'ipsum

with the html code & # 039

How can I fix that please ?

Thanks and have a nice day.



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User Verification html code in email subject 2
Azizul Raju
Jul 11, 2023

Hi Pierre,
We have fixed the issue and updated the plugin. Please install the latest version, 2.0.16, and give it a try.

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