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I have just switched to the Accordion plug-in as the one I was using is no longer supported.
I realise I can set the colours of the header and tab for an individual accordion, but I would like to set these in my child theme so that they apply to all accordions or tabs on the website.
I have managed to make some changes:
/* Tab headers: white border, remove icon */
.accordions-tab-head {border: 2px solid #ffffff;}
.accordions-tab-icons {display: none}
/* Accordion and tab content: background, border */
.tabs-content {background-color:#f3f3f3 !important; border: 1px solid #dddddd !important;}
/* Accordion and tab content: Line height */
.accordion-content p,
.tabs-content p {line-height: 150%;}
but cannot see how to change the default, hover and active settings for the accordion header and tab.
Could you help me on this?