Unable to Edit Old Accordians After Theme Upsate

Ticket for: Accordions
Unable to Edit Old Accordians After Theme Upsate 1
Nov 05, 2020 05:01 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Nov 2020
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Hi there,

I posted a while back but never got an answer how to resolve this.

My existing Accordians in the non-pro version CMS (Editing) are frozen, I can not edit them. It sounds like it has something to do with my theme but I didn\'t not change it only updated it. How do I fix this? I should be able to.figure this out myself with some guidness.


Thanks so much! I love your theme! And would love to give you a positive review if I can get a resolution. 🙂



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Unable to Edit Old Accordians After Theme Upsate 2
Nov 05, 2020

Welcome to our forum.

I just checked your page, i can see accordions is working fine, if you are unable to edit accordion content please theres probably js error on the page, see the browser console area, send me a screenshot of browser console area.


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