Trying to remove this bar

Trying to remove this bar 1
Dec 11, 2018 10:42 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Nov 2018
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My accordions, when published, have a bar under the title. The title has a ^ and works fine. But- there's another bar under it with no text and a triangle icon. This bar will collapse the accordion if clicked when the accordion is expanded. I don't know what to call this unwanted bar, so it's hard to search the forums for an answer about it. Is this removable with a setting?

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Trying to remove this bar 5
Dec 11, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

can you please send me some screenshot about your issue. please  use share share screenshot


Trying to remove this bar 6
- Dec 26, 2018 02:23 AM
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Hi – solved (with a sort of work-around)!

Not the most elegant way to do it and I'm never completely comfortable with the "!important" code but what I did was in the custom CSS code for the parent accordion insert the following:

display: none !important;

Where xx is the id of the grey bar which I found by inspecting the page as already stated. Seems to have worked consistently even on mobile device and when logged out of the dashboard.

Thanks for your help, not sure exactly what created the bar in the first place and I'll still set something up for you to take a look at (using the same theme to see if it is some kind of issue with how the theme handles your code. BTW – only seems to be when child shortcode is put into parent, not when child shortcode is put in child.

All the best,


Trying to remove this bar 6
- Dec 26, 2018 01:58 AM
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Hi – thanks for getting back to me so quickly at this time of year! I'll check for broken links but sorry, rather not give admin access as site will contain information which should remain under control of the team here (phone numbers, policies and procedures etc). What I can do is set up a sand-pit environment on a separate domain and see if the problem recurs and/or what I did differently – might have to give me some time on that one.

I've noticed that the grey bar only appears for child accordions – the main parent accordion does not display the grey bar. When I inspect it, it states that the role="tab" I'm not sure if this helps at all.

All the best,


Trying to remove this bar 8
- Dec 25, 2018 05:15 PM
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Can I get temporary admin access to your site,
also can you please check if there any broken HTML under accordion content?


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